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  • Chaitanya

Earth's Mighty Hero.

In the Days of the Shroom Invasion, Man was enslaved by an alien fungal species who took over the brains of their host. Slowly they exterminated all the rodents, the fish, the bears and every other animal on Earth.

Entire ecosystems were laid waste. Fungi and giant shrooms became the dominant species on Earth. Monstrous Shrooms shared the skyline with Man's glass edifices, and everywhere from deserts to forests, the lower plants reigned supreme under protection of the Shrooms.

In the Days of the Shroom Invasion, man was led to war against man. Nations were destroyed, cities obliterated and seas emptied. Mankind was enslaved, made a living beast. Days of the cultivation centres returned. Humans were cultivated like crop because the Shrooms needed hosts. Concentration camps returned: humans were subjected to neuro-anatomical experiments. Humans were test tubes.

Amidst this all-conquering dominion of the Shroom only the Unicorns survived. They flew away to the lofty peaks of the highest mountains of Earth, and there they built a hidden sanctuary, and disappeared from all memory. Deep in their sanctuary they waited for the day the Shrooms would be destroyed.

A small group of humans fought a losing battle against this invasion. Anything and everything the alien movies taught failed. The Shrooms were all powering. The Shrooms were everywhere. They saw everything. They knew everything. And the rebellion was crushed, their scattered ranks sent scurrying in the high mountains.

A 120 years later after the Shrooms first came down from their pod-like spaceships, Earth found a hero. A mighty warrior instructed in the ways of warfare and honour in the medieval mode. A true gentleman, Earth's hero, they said had nine lives.

He was the first one to make the journey to the highest peaks to seek the Unicorn sanctuary. He knew the gentle, intelligent beings would be his only allies - his great army in the fight against the Shroom Invasion, and he sought them out and led them against the Shrooms.

Cat riding Unicorn
Earth's Might Hero

The battle was fought on all fronts. Earth's Mighty Hero crushed the mycal legions of the Shroom armies mercilessly. He was both Alexander and Churchill: brave and bold in battle, and yet shrewd and conniving in his strategies. He rode the King of Unicorns, his Rainbow Fire incinerating the Shrooms and spelled doom for the million legions of mindless humans in service of the Shroom.

After five years of bloodbath and raining firestorms, Earth's Mighty Hero defeated the all-pervasive Shrooms. They left Earth charred and burned in their invasion and dominion. From the dying embers of the monstrous Doom Shrooms he lit his cigar and savoured a victory for the Unicorns, the last remaining humans and Earth.

Earth's Mighty Hero roared a mighty roar that day.

Source: The Roar of the Cat — An Oral History of the Days of the Shroom Invasion. circa 4560 A.S.


Originally published April 18, 2013. Earth's Might Hero

© 2021 Chaitanya Deshpande

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