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  • Chaitanya

Write anything.

Dear writers and professionals who write, 

I know how hard it is for you to keep working. These are unprecedented times. These are, to borrow from Dickens, the worst of times, and also the best of times. 

As writers, we face unique concerns. For a few, these are immediate and compelling. For most others, they will rise in the weeks and months to come. It doesn’t help when all we consume (read, listen, watch) right now leaves us frozen, depressed, anxious or lost. 

It’s harder to stay focused, and writing takes a toll. You may also be extra distracted by worries of financial security during these uncertain times. Fatigue will set in just from being too worried and rattled with what’s happening in our homes, cities, and the world. 

Everyone is hurting in some way, so it’s OK if you’re not being productive. It’s OK if you’re not being creative. There’s no compulsion on you to be either. Not right now.

For now, it’s just OK to sit back and just survive for a bit. 

Why is this the best of times? 

Writing can be as much important a public service as fighting the pandemic in the trenches of the hospitals. We have a vital role to play in keeping our sense of community. By sharing stories, we can help others feel less alone. Isn’t that just the best?

If it means reducing writing times, take good care of yourself. Ensure you edge back slowly into the game.

Lastly, here’s 3 things that might help you getting through your writing: 

  1. Respect your writing routines so you can continue to be productive

  2. If working from home, adjust to new schedules and routine

And third, here’s something from a writer who knows what he's talking about:


Originally published March 30 2020. Write anything.

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