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Call me C.D.
That's what i go by usually. 

i wrote my first copy - an SOP for a friend of a friend - when i was still a dreamer who wrote.

As money changed hands, i thought to myself, this writing business is pretty easy!

i was to realize soon that there was much to learn still...

Almost 17 years later, i am still working on my craft - much the wiser, a little more humble, and a far better creative professional than i've ever been. 

i've grown to love the process of writing (more than writing itself) and also learned not to get attached to my copy whilst also enjoying the adrenalin rush of an idea.


When not working and being obsessed with the need to perfect every sentence, i hoard books, dabble in photography, and re-watch classic cinema and TV shows.


Occasionally, i also spend time reading obituaries.


My [creative] process is thinking, thinking, and thinking...


If you have a better way, please let me know?


© 2021 Chaitanya Deshpande

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