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  • Chaitanya


I’m a friend,’ he said. ‘And I promise that you’ll never be alone.’

He looked up, his hazel eyes adjusting to the light and the message. There were tears he couldn’t hide.

‘But you’re big, and I’m small.’ he whimpered. ‘Everyone hates me!’

‘Shush! You have me now.’ he assured. ‘I love little boys!’

‘Are you bigger than the other kids?’ he asked.

‘A lot bigger. I won’t let them do anything to you.’ he promised.

Silence followed as he realised that perhaps here was a friend who would protect and love him.

‘Hey, do you want to see me?’ he pried.

He looked up again, the glimmer of hope unmistakably brighter than the faint blinking light.

‘Can I?’, he asked. ‘Can i really?’

He couldn’t mask the excitement in his voice. Then he hesitated.

‘But you’re so far.’

‘Oh, am not so far. Just open the window to see me.’

‘And when you open the window, I’ll be able to see you too!’ he suggested slyly.

He could sense the boy’s hesitation.

‘But Ma says I mustn’t.’ the boy protested in a small voice, eyes aglow with artificial brightness.

‘Oh don’t worry,’ he said winking. ‘What mommy can’t see, mommy won’t know!’

‘You do want to see your big friend, right?’

Hence coerced, the little boy opened the webcam window, and invited him into his life.

What followed next wasn’t decent, the little boy was no more innocent.

For he was too young, to refuse consent.


Originally published May 23, 2014. consent

Image: By Franciso Goya - [1], Public Domain

© 2021 Chaitanya Deshpande

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