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  • Chaitanya

Strings attached

Her fluid beauty drew him to her,

a musician free and fair.

Her ringing laugh a clear sign,

he'd lost his heart to her.

His heart swam,

in turbulent harmony.

Wooing her,

with soul music,

and bloodied fingers.

She ridiculed him.

Twirled him on her fingers.

Flirted till he despaired,

each gesture a discord.

Then one day,

on his highest note,

She finally danced

to his tune.

In an overture

of rhythm.

They communed

to be one.

In her envelop

his notes went awry.

Harmony melted,

in her embrace.

Every touch,

weakened him

Rousing rabble,

in his heart.

Her kisses devoured

his being's symphony.

Such was the cacophony,

of their union.

That the plectrum

now useless to him.

He had his muse yet his music,

faded slowly away.

He realised love came,

but with strings attached.

© 2021 Chaitanya Deshpande

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