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  • Chaitanya

trial by combat

Blazed the sword & sinewy spear,

In a clamour of steel & clink of mail.

Shimmering swift strokes, heavy blade aswing,

Splinters of shield,

Fountains of blood aflow.

Mud whetted by sweat and spit,

Glory whetted by vengeance,

Years of waiting,

A ruse to kill.

Feet swift as quicksilver,

Truth their shield.

Mountain’s blows that crack skull,

The Red Viper thrusts far rapid,

A thousand holes under the armour.

They dance for justice served,

Amid applause hollow & cold,

So they die, poisoned in hatred. Gutted in glory, so they die.


A fan-fiction poem based on events of the book A Storm of Swords, A Song of Ice and Fire by G.R.R. Martin

Image Courtesy: The Red Viper by zippo514 on. (2012, November 1). DeviantArt.

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Unquote #11

“I don’t want to live the wrong life and then die.” — Arthur Leander, Station Eleven

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